Get ready for some football!
Check out the latest updates and additions to NFL Clash!
For Android players in the US and Canada, this release is not out for you to update just yet. Stay tuned for when it is ready for Early Access players!
Team Uniforms:
Players on the field will now wear official team uniforms based on your favorite team selection! To change your favorite team, go to your Profile on the Home Screen and tap on the Icon next to the text “Favorite Team.” You’ll know you’ve done this correctly if the team icon on your Home Screen has changed.
7-Day Login Bonus:
Log into NFL Clash for 7 days and you’ll get rewards, including a Patrick Mahomes Card on Day 7!
Check out the new and improved player animations!
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue with Cards incorrectly showing a possible Upgrade when opening a Chest
Known Issues:
Missing button to purchase multiple Cards in the Shop. You may still tap the Buy 1 Card button multiple times to buy the max amount.
Division messages will not trigger for players who are in the Beginner and Rookie I Divisions and have not been demoted
Low on Gems message will not appear when attempting to buy a Chests, Cards or Upgrade a Card with an insufficient amount of currency
Android Devices with Notches Only: Top of the game may get cut off by the device’s notch
With NFL Clash in soft launch, Friend invites will not work for people outside of the currently live regions (UK, Mexico, Brazil, and Philippines)
Occasional stability issues
Various display issues