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Upcoming Changes to NFL Clash!

Hi Everyone!

We wanted to give you all an update on the worldwide release of NFL Clash. The game has been in soft launch in a small number of territories for a few months. During these months we have received a lot of feedback and suggestions from players about the game. Based on this player feedback, we decided to make some exciting changes to the game that we believe will provide you with a more authentic football experience and give you more agency and control in play decisions on the field. The changes should also give you more clarity about what is driving play outcomes and how to make more optimal Card choices. We can’t wait for you all to try these changes out! 

These updates will go live with our next release, 0.14. As we get closer to release, we will post all of the changes to let you all know what to expect. There will not be any changes done to player Cards for now, though since we are still in soft launch, it is always possible that we will make tuning changes before global release. 

Thanks again for playing NFL Clash! Keep the feedback coming!